**New litters Arriving!!** Contact 870-688-4505
**New litters Arriving!!** Contact 870-688-4505
DAD Milo is such a sweet guy, he loves getting attention from everyone. He loves to run and swim in the pond and play with all his friends. 2 legged and 4 legged. He weighs about 54 lbs and is AKC and ASDR. Blue eyes
MOM Kennedy is such a sweet girl, who enjoys hanging with her family, She also enjoys to run and play with all his friends. She weighs 54 lbs and is AKC and ASDR Registered.
This sweet baby is still looking for his Fur-ever home!! Pinto is a Black Tri Male
$700 SALE!!
DAD Jay is such a sweet guy, he loves getting attention from everyone. He loves to run and swim in the pond and play with all his friends. 2 legged and 4 legged. He weighs about 52 lbs and is AKC and ASDR. Blue eyes
MOM Rain is such a sweet and beautiful girl, who enjoys hanging with her family, She also enjoys to run and play with all her friends. She weighs 45 lbs and is AKC and ASDR Registered.
Ally is a Female Blue Merle 1 Blue eye
Axel is a male Black Tri
Ava is a Female Blue Merle 2 Blue eyes
Apollo is a male Black Tri 1 Blue eye
Amira is a Female Black Tri
DAD Levi is such a sweet guy, he loves getting attention from everyone. He loves to run and swim in the pond and play with all his friends. 2 legged and 4 legged. He weighs about 57 lbs and is AKC and ASDR. Blue eyes
MOM Polly is such the sweetest girl, who enjoys hanging with her family, She also enjoys to run and play with all her friends. She weighs 42 lbs and is AKC and ASDR Registered. Also Blue eyes
Camilla is a Female Black Tri
AKC Registered
Cyrus is a male Blue Merle
AKC Registered 2 BLUE EYES?
Clyde is a male Black Tri
AKC Registered 2 BLUE EYES
Cowboy is a male Black Tri
AKC Registered
Chilly is a Female Black Tri
AKC Registered 2 BLUE EYES
Cristo is a male Blue Merle
AKC Registered